
I've been playing around with WireGuard recently. Thank you for all your work on it.

It all mostly works but I have one thing that I can't grasp properly:

My setup are a bunch of servers that need to communicate securely over an unsecured network. Like a mesh. So I have three servers and each of them has a connection to the other two (i.e. two Peers). This all works beautifully.

Now I want to add an outside client into the mix (e.g. my laptop). I want to be able to connect to just one of those hosts and have that host forward my packages to the others.

I can get it to work if I pick _one_ specific jump host but I haven't managed to set it up in a way that I can connect to any of them.

(I'm leaving out Private & Public Key, Ports and Endpoints to make the examples shorter.

Client wg0.conf:
Address =

# Server 1
AllowedIPs =

Server 1 wg0.conf:
Address    =

# Client
AllowedIPs =

# Server 2
AllowedIPs =, __10.0.1.1/32__

# Server 3
AllowedIPs =, __10.0.1.1/32__

Server 2 wg0.conf:
Address    =

# Client
AllowedIPs =

# Server 1
AllowedIPs =, __10.0.1.1/32__

# Server 3
AllowedIPs =, __10.0.1.1/32__

Server 3 etc. are similar.
This way I can connect with my client to any of the Servers and I can ping them (e.g. ping but I can _not_ ping the others: So when I connect to server-1 I can not reach server-2 from my client (IP forwarding etc. is enabled).

This only works when I remove the second IP from AllowedIPs (the one marked with underscores) from the server I connect to (e.g. server 1). The other servers (e.g. server 2 & 3) need it though because of course they'll see traffic from being forwarded to them so it needs to be in their AllowedIPs.

That means I can get everything to work if I pick one special host that Clients connect to.

I might just fundamentally misunderstand how AllowedIPs works. Any help is greatly appreciated

An unrelated question: Should wg-quick up be allowed to be called with just a file name? 
e.g. wg-quick up wg0.conf?
I understand the man page that it should but I think the behavior is broken on MacOS/Darwin because it tries to cd into the file which fails.
