Hi all,

So - I don't know if it's me being thick or wg-quick isn't supposed to do this, but:

I have a wireguard config on my Macbook with addresses & fd10::10:3:41/127, other endpoint is .4 and :40.

Running wg-quick up wg-xxxxx works fine - pinging the v4 of the other side doesn't work however v6 does -

# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
# ping6 fd10::10:3:40
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) fd10::10:3:41 --> fd10::10:3:40
16 bytes from fd10::10:3:40, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=16.008 ms
16 bytes from fd10::10:3:40, icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=16.019 ms
16 bytes from fd10::10:3:40, icmp_seq=2 hlim=64 time=14.460 ms

I think I see the problem:
# ip route get via dev en0  src
# ip -6 route get fd10::10:3:40
fd10::10:3:40 dev utun1  src fd10::10:3:41

and it's fixable, of course, I was just wondering if this is intended behaviour considering v6 works perfectly OK?


On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 11:54 PM Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com> wrote:
Hey folks,

We're gradually adding more platforms capable of running WireGuard, thanks to
some still-buggy userspace code Mathias and I have been developing. Today you
can try WireGuard on two new platforms: Android and macOS.

[NEW] WireGuard for Android
You can download the app from the Play Store or from F-Droid. It supports
adding wg-quick(8)-style .conf files or .zips of them. The app uses the kernel
module if available, which gives the best performance, stability, and battery
life, and falls back to the userspace code if it's not available. Download at:

[NEW] WireGuard for macOS
You can install wg-quick, wg, and wireguard-go using Homebrew. Then you should
be able to run `wg-quick up whatever` and familiar commands as you're used to.
If you're setting up a network manually, you can run `wireguard-go utun3` in
place of the usual Linux command `ip link add utun3 dev wireguard`. Install
with the Homebrew command:
$ brew install wireguard-tools

It's a work in progress, and we hope to have nice things to announce in the
coming weeks. If you're interested in helping to develop support for a
particular platform, please send us an email at team@wireguard.com.

[WORKHORSE] WireGuard for Linux
The Linux kernel implementation remains the recommended and most complete
WireGuard implementation, and we're actively working on upstreaming this code
to kernel.org. Install instructions are available for every major distro on:

[DISCLAIMER] Alpha Warning for Security-related Software
The new implementations for macOS and Android are alpha quality, at best, so
keep expectations low. There are bugs. There may even be security issues, and
we don't yet certify that this software does what we want it to do. Let us
know as you encounter the inevitable nasty bugs. Consider this as "pre-release"

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