Oh hey missed this reply, thanks! That was what i needed working beautifully. On Sep 23, 2017 3:44 PM, "Jason A. Donenfeld" wrote: > Hi, > > Yes indeed this is possible. Enable ip forwarding (sysctl -w > net.ipv4.ip_forwarding=1), and then make sure you have the correct > routes set. You may have to add a few entries to your allowed-ips to > ensure that the network is okay with wireguard, or, perhaps easier, > would to just enable MASQUERADEing (iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s > -o tinc0 -j MASQUERADE, where is the wireguard > network.) > > There are a lot of ways to skin the cat, and I suspect if you write > back with details of network segments and whatnot, there might be > others who might have their own useful opinions. Alternatively, you > can always ask in #wireguard on Freenode. > > Jason >