On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 11:08 PM Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com> wrote:
It's likely our rust implementation well be well-suited for what you
have in mind.

Looking at wireguard-rs, in its current form it makes a lot of use of `alloc` (namely `Vec` and `HashMap`) and `std` features (`fs`, `net`, `sync`).

Getting it working on a Cortex-M would involve extracting a core protocol implementation which doesn't make use of any of those features as a library/crate which has no dependencies (or only optional dependencies which can be switched off with Cargo features) on `alloc` and `std`.

(as it were, I'm also interested in using wireguard-rs this way in a "heapless" no_std environment)

Tony Arcieri