MacOS users should be aware that if you have manually assigned DNS servers the current wg-quick implementation will remove them and not restore them. On Tue, May 15, 2018, 6:54 PM Jason A. Donenfeld wrote: > Hey folks, > > We're gradually adding more platforms capable of running WireGuard, thanks > to > some still-buggy userspace code Mathias and I have been developing. Today > you > can try WireGuard on two new platforms: Android and macOS. > > [NEW] WireGuard for Android > --------------------------- > You can download the app from the Play Store or from F-Droid. It supports > adding wg-quick(8)-style .conf files or .zips of them. The app uses the > kernel > module if available, which gives the best performance, stability, and > battery > life, and falls back to the userspace code if it's not available. Download > at: > > > [NEW] WireGuard for macOS > ------------------------- > You can install wg-quick, wg, and wireguard-go using Homebrew. Then you > should > be able to run `wg-quick up whatever` and familiar commands as you're used > to. > If you're setting up a network manually, you can run `wireguard-go utun3` > in > place of the usual Linux command `ip link add utun3 dev wireguard`. Install > with the Homebrew command: > $ brew install wireguard-tools > > [FUTURE] WireGuard for ${YOUR_FAVORITE_PLATFORM} > ------------------------------------------------ > It's a work in progress, and we hope to have nice things to announce in the > coming weeks. If you're interested in helping to develop support for a > particular platform, please send us an email at > > [WORKHORSE] WireGuard for Linux > ------------------------------- > The Linux kernel implementation remains the recommended and most complete > WireGuard implementation, and we're actively working on upstreaming this > code > to Install instructions are available for every major distro > on: > > > [DISCLAIMER] Alpha Warning for Security-related Software > -------------------------------------------------------- > The new implementations for macOS and Android are alpha quality, at best, > so > keep expectations low. There are bugs. There may even be security issues, > and > we don't yet certify that this software does what we want it to do. Let us > know as you encounter the inevitable nasty bugs. Consider this as > "pre-release" > software. > > Enjoy! > Jason > _______________________________________________ > WireGuard mailing list > > >