Hey Jason (and everyone else).

@Jason; we chatted on XDA yesterday, a few PMs back and forth (I'm nine7nine on XDA).

So just as a recap; My progress with integrating WireGuard with my Kernel and on the Stock Oreo 8.0 rom (Google Pixel 1);

Kernel support - working.
building the standalone wg-tools - working
wg-tools installation - working

Now, my issue seems to be with actually getting the WireGuard app working with AzireVPN.... But in the process, I've figured out that wq-quick is NOT working properly ~ which aside from the possibility that my configuration for AzireVPM may be incorrect ~ The wg-quick issue is probably why the android WireGuard app isn't working (as I assume it requires wg-quick)... My pixel doesn't seem to recognise the wg-quick script being in /system/xbin (even though it's there);

# wg-quick up wg0
sh: /system/xbin/wg-quick: No such file or directory

the script has;


changing it to not include bash, does allow it to be executed, but then I get;

sh: /system/xbin/wg-quick: Permission denied

I'm not sure what's up here (but it doesn't matter if I'm root user or not, same permission problem, I've checked permissions, it's executable, etc)... ***NOTE: If I manually use wg for setup ~ I can get the interface up and working, following the quick start instructions and running wg for verification (ref: https://www.wireguard.com/quickstart/) ... So i think WireGuard is actually working. (kernel support and wg).... That said ~ I'm going to have a stab at repackaging the user-space components as a standard android flashable zip (as we talked about on XDA, @Jason), start fresh and see if I can get it working...

All of that aside; I'm wondering if someone could post a working config/template for AzireVPN or any other free VPN that supports WireGuard??? (minus any private information, respectfully). I'd just like to make sure that I have a working config for WireGuard on Android -> so that when I try to test, after re-installing wg-tools ~ that might be one less hiccup... I've never used WireGuard, so all very new to me.



PS: @Jason - I'm also going to have a look (later on) and see If i can get the WireGuard android app to not "crash on boot" in Oreo ~ using the commits for Kernel Aduitor's fixes that I pointed out to you yesterday, when I brought up the issue. ttyl