Hey list, So after some help from the list, zx2c4 and on IRC I've managed to get WireGuard working on my Google Pixel (Stock Rom). I've been using it for a few hours now ~ after getting past a few initial issues; I must say; WireGuard is fantastic! Now, onto my current issue. Currently, I have no problem enabling the wg tunnel on my device (using the app or quick tile), however; I can't disable the tunnel once enabled (?)... (using adb ... az = AzireVPN /data/misc/wireguard/az.conf ... the tunnel is already running) sailfish:/ # wg interface: az public key: (hidden) private key: (hidden) listening port: 42507 fwmark: 0x20000 peer: (hidden) endpoint: allowed ips:, ::/0 latest handshake: 3 minutes, 50 seconds ago transfer: 7.52 MiB received, 1.17 MiB sent sailfish:/ # wg-quick down az wg-quick: `az' is not a WireGuard interface (note: the above keys I've made hidden, on my ouput they are there, minus private key) It's peculiar because the above does show the az interface via wg command ... Likewise, the WireGuard app also fails when trying to bring down the tunnel with the error message "Error bringing down WireGuard tunnel"... Yet the tunnel is brought up no problem, from within the app, quick tile or commandline (?). According to the The help I was given on IRC - my config file appears to be correct. (and is mostly working). So I'm not really sure what the problem might be... I had thought there may have been a permission or selinux denial somewhere - but I'm not seeing that in logcat; logcat only shows the above wg-quick message Jordan