I believe you- I didn't understand that it used the same port number for both ingress and egress traffic.  I managed to miss that.

thank you much!


On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com> wrote:
My answer remains correct. Use the listen port to control the source port. If you don't believe me, try running tcpdump and you'll see.

On May 4, 2017 20:41, "Ryan Whelan" <rcwhelan@gmail.com> wrote:
If i'm not mistaken that sets the listing port on one end (Peer 'A') of the connection.  Peer 'B' needs to know what the listening port is set to, to be able to setup the handshake.  So from peer 'B's perspective, the dst port is the "listen-port' on Peer 'A'.... How do I set the src port for peer 'B' so all traffic from B will come from a predicable source port?

I'm sorry if i'm not being clear- I very well might not be using the right terminology


On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com> wrote:
"ListenPort", " listen-port"

On May 4, 2017 20:21, "Ryan Whelan" <rcwhelan@gmail.com> wrote:

When specifying an endpoint, you have to tell wg which dst port the peer is listening on- is it possible to tell wg which source port to send traffic from?  I've looked over the documentation and if its in there, I managed to miss it.



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