Hello, I would like to bridge my LAN and WireGuard interfaces so I can make a site-to-site VPN with the gateway/router being at the other site. But when using brctl to add wg0 to a bridge, the operation is not supported. This is the setup I am aiming for: Isolated VM virteth0 - preferably dhcp from remote site (gateway Switch VM - wg0 with and eth0 with (for internet access through gw and virteth0 (manual, no ip, no dhcp), I want to bridge virteth0 and wg0. Remote machine with wg0 and a public ip on eth0 (e.g. both virteth0's are connected together on the host machine. Is this somehow possible with wireguard? As for now the Switch VM isn't a switch, it acts as a router which does work but is not something I want (and forces me to have a different ip on virteth0 on SwitchVM than wg0 has, this forces me to make everything look like it came from SwitchVM instead of the real addresses, because both the remote machine and Switch VM have to act as routers, I want only 1 router in this setup - the remote machine). Thanks in advance for your time and help :)