Mellow greetings,

In case it's of use to anyone, I've built wireguard packages for Debian testing. I wanted to play with wireguard on my Debian Stretch systems, but wireguard is currently locked to Sid only until 1.0 brings API stability guarantees.

So, I set up a cronjob that rebuilds the Sid source package on a Stretch system, and the result is wireguard packages that track the latest release, but don't pull in unstable versions of libc and whatnot when you try to install them, as would happen if you tried to install via package pinning.

Naturally, you have only my word that the packages are unmodified rebuilds of Debian's original package, and you're trusting packagecloud to not tamper with the packages (it's their signing keys, not mine) so caveat emptor. It works for me, it might work for you as well.

With the warnings and disclaimers out of the way, here's the repo:

- Dave