Hello mailing list, I am building a server utilizing wireguard and network namespaces, and since the most recent update I seem to have developed an issue where wireguard on Ubuntu no longer seems to be able to reach the internet despite following the instructions verbatim. It does however seem to work on Debian. To test this I wrote a script that sets up the interface and tests it side by side with the default network interface. It also tests the network namespace method as well. It conforms as close as possible to your instructions. I am using Mullvad as the server to connect to. To get clean tests, I spun up two clean VMs on Digital Ocean, one Debian and one Ubuntu, did any available updates, followed the install instruction on the page, and ran the script. The script and the results are in this Gist: https://gist.github.com/monprin/c9352f32a6e7e02561a571f27d7ce274 I also tried to test this on Fedora 29 in the same manner, but something more major went wrong with the install from Copr. Any guidance on any workarounds for this would be greatly appreciated since the old build no longer seem to appear in the PPA. I would be happy to help in any way I can in trying to troubleshoot this, but I wasn't able to dig into the code as is it is pretty far from my high level python wheelhouse. Thanks for all your work on Wireguard, I am loving it! -- *Joseph Ray Jeffers* Email: monprin@gmail.com