I don't understand what you really want. You say someting about other computers. Who are these other people/copmuters and there they are? Inside your (or your childs) network or unknown public internet users?
Did you try to set up a game through battle.net or a "local" game? In addition, your configuration looks like you mixed up with your subnets. On your childs side, you configure your interface as part of an /24 subnet, but on your side, its just a /32 "range". 
It may work anyway, bit I think its still confusing. 

So I think, a good start would be to clean up your wg-config. I like to use a seperate "subnet" for vpn traffic. So there is no ProxyArp needed, because the VPN-Server works as a Gateway for his own subnet. Disadvantag is that you can't use (without some more work) broadcast features. Mostly use for some autodetections and so on. 
Maybe this will help a bit.

On his computer:  (LAN IP 192.168.1.x)
PrivateKey = {blah}=
ListenPort = 12457
Address =

PublicKey = {blah2}=
Endpoint = {my home}:12457
AllowedIPs =,

On my computer:  (LAN IP 192.168.88.x)

PrivateKey = {blah3}=
ListenPort = 12457
Address =

PublicKey = {blah4}=
AllowedIPs =,

With this configuration, you should create (and play) games using the dedicated vpn IPs ( or 3 ) or maybe (not tested) your orignal local IPs (192.168.88.xxx or 192.168.1.xxx). 

An complete other soloution could be using a layer2 vpn. I like SoftEtherVPN. 
You could install it, bind the vpn to a tap-device (within the SoftEther configuration) and than bind the tap-device (with linux tools like brctl, systemd-networkd config) to your physical interface.
If anybody connect to this vpn, it's just like an additional wire to your network. So all works, inlcuding DHCP in the same subnet and so on.
The strange double-bridge is not needed, if your SC-Host and VPN-Host are NOT the same device. Because if you bridge the VPN directly to the physical interface (without the help of an additional tap-device) the VPN Client can't reach the vpn-server itself.

Or maybe without any VPN? Just Portforwarding and a (dynamic) DNS entry? You could get free ones here: https://freedns.afraid.org/

2018-02-12 8:23 GMT+01:00 Eric Light <eric@ericlight.com>:
Hi, awesome WG mailinglist!

My 18 year-old has recently moved out of home, and we're starting to yearn for one of our traditional Starcraft matches.  I thought I should be able to do this easily with Wireguard.

The idea, generally, is that one of us would start up a game, and Wireguard - with a side serving of ProxyARP and IP forwarding - would help make all the other computers see that game.  (or, at very worst, allow me to run a game that could be seen by his computer AND the other computers here).


On his computer:  (LAN IP 192.168.1.x)

PrivateKey = {blah}=
ListenPort = 12457
Address =

PublicKey = {blah2}=
Endpoint = {my home}:12457
AllowedIPs =

On my computer:  (LAN IP 192.168.88.x)

PrivateKey = {blah3}=
ListenPort = 12457
Address =

PublicKey = {blah4}=
AllowedIPs =


But it turns out not to be so easy.  Starcraft sets up games over UDP 5353 and UDP 6112, and originally I thought it was a problem with forwarding UDP packets.  However, I can see packets coming over the tunnel from his computer, but the packets are being forwarded to an address I don't know:

root@me:~# tcpdump -i home port 5353 or port 6112
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on home, link-type RAW (Raw IP), capture size 262144 bytes
20:02:35.744726 IP > UDP, length 10
20:02:35.759142 IP > UDP, length 10
20:02:35.759157 IP > UDP, length 10
20:02:36.045323 IP > UDP, length 19
20:02:36.099993 IP > UDP, length 19
20:02:36.100005 IP > UDP, length 19
20:03:05.964077 IP > UDP, length 10
20:03:05.964118 IP > UDP, length 10
20:03:05.987761 IP > UDP, length 10

Any ideas where I can start looking?  I get similar behaviour whether I host the game on my computer or on his.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer!


Q: Why is this email five sentences or less?

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