Check what IP's the google domains are resolving to. You might be getting IPv6 DNS responses back and your VPN/firewall configuration is blocking them. I've run into the opposite issue where my ISP's IPv4 stack crashed and Google/Facebook worked (over IPv6) but most other sites failed. ________________________________ From: WireGuard on behalf of STR . Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 4:39 AM To: Subject: Help calculate MTU, ISP's 1448 Hi, I have Fiber to our apartment complex basement, from there Cat6 runs to each apartment. The ISP/apartment service provider suggests an MTU of 1448, which I set for the PPPoE interface on my OpenWRT router. I read which comes to (assuming 1500 byte MTU) to 60 bytes (IPv6) to 80 bytes less to account for Wireguard protocol overhead. Using this info, I tried an MTU of both (1448-80=1368) and (1448- 60=1388). As my ISP assigns only IPv4, I expected an MTU of 1388 to work, which I set on the Wireguard interface in OpenWRT. However, when set to 1388, almost everything works except any Google related sites like Maps, Gmail, YT etc. When set to 1368, everything works and it's the way I have it setup right now. What am I missing here? Why won't Google sites load via my WG VPN when the MTU is set to 1388? If it helps, I host the WG server on Google's cloud platform and was informed that GCP has an MTU of 1460 bytes. Thank you, S _______________________________________________ WireGuard mailing list