Jason I can test and help document a android app. Donąt have IOS. Iąm not a Go or C programmer but have git and programming (python, java) experience. I have set up a wireguard ubuntu to ubuntu test and plan on doing a ubuntu laptop to linode server setup soon. I have a nexus 6p. -- Eric Palmer Director of Web Services University of Richmond To submit technical support requests please use this form http://web.richmond.edu/contact/technical-support.html ‹ Certified Scrum Professional® Certified Scrum Product Owner® Certified Scrum Master® On 2/25/18, 1:47 PM, "WireGuard on behalf of Jason A. Donenfeld" wrote: >On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 7:43 PM, Henrique Carrega >wrote: >> Iąd love to see a iOS version in future > >As would we all. Working on it. Let me know if you'd like to help out. >_______________________________________________ >WireGuard mailing list >WireGuard@lists.zx2c4.com >https://lists.zx2c4.com/mailman/listinfo/wireguard