Hello, I would love to use VXLANs for my network to separate stuff, although I'm a bit struggling. My topology looks like this: VM A --> AMSTERDAM -> FRANKFURT -> VIENNA --> VM B '->' indicates a Wireguard tunnel'-->' is a physical link Actually I'm configuring a VXLAN Interface in AMSTERDAM and VIENNA, with the tunnel IPs as remote/local. Anyway, somehow I'm facing a strange issue here. VM A and VM B can ping each other already, although nothing else works. I cannot do curl/wget between the VMs nor iperf, etc. Do you know if my topology above should work? VM A can reach VM B without VXLAN just fine over the other hops, as well AMSTERDAM and VIENNA can reach each other fully. No firewall enabled nor anything else. Allowed-IPs is,::/0 on all tunnels. My guess was that this is somewhat MTU related, tried 1200 on the VXLAN interfaces - no difference.