Any ideas? 0 /aWorking/Zsh/Source/Wk 2 % . test1; print -r -- $(( srand32() )) srand32:4: command not found: sysread 4 0 /aWorking/Zsh/Source/Wk 2 % exit 0 /aWorking/Zsh/Source/Wk 1 % . test1; print -r -- $(( srand32() )) 3551593729 0 /aWorking/Zsh/Source/Wk 1 % zsh -f b6-12-Deb12b# . test1; print -r -- $(( srand32() )) srand32:4: command not found: sysread 4 b6-12-Deb12b# exit 0 /aWorking/Zsh/Source/Wk 1 % . test1; print -r -- $(( srand32() )) 2230494374 ... for some unknown reason one of my open shells can find sysread while others can't.  I use hibernate, so the OK shell has been open for far too long to digress as to which commands might have put it into a friendly mood as to sysread.  How on earth do I figure this out?  Printing out all my variables, there's dozens of differences, but there always are.  Any hot prospects? I can't think where I'd even begin.  How can a builtin ever not be found? I know sometimes one 'level' of command can mask another, like a function 'sysread' might mask the builtin, but that's not the case here.  It's not disabled.  Nothing else seems to be broken or missing.  No idea.