Hi, I've finally given ZSH a try and like it so far, but I've noticed a few things where I wonder if it's possible to change some config options to improve them. - I'm using AUTO_MENU so I first get a list of completion candidates and then menu selection by pressing tab once again. That's fine, but in cases where the candidate list is very long (i.e. doesn't fit on the screen), I'd rather get menu selection mode immediately instead of having the spam (even with a list-prompt message set it's not very helpful information, especially if I'm likely to use menu-select afterwards to select something) first. - I'm using the adam2 prompt style. When resizing my terminal window (making it smaller), the pretty horizontal line in the first line of the prompt is not redrawn, keeping the old width. When making the terminal window larger this is just a minimal annoyance, but when making it smaller, this actually deletes the line right before the prompt. That feels like a bug to me... Cheers Adrian