Hi, List! It seems, I've found a bug in menu completion or somewhere around... Can somebody condifm it (or tell me TERM value and which term do you use, in case if it doesn't reproduce for you)? This is minimal testcase: 1) run `zsh -f` 2) paste code below (it is prefixed with spaces, so shouldn't be saved in your history file): autoload -Uz compinit && compinit zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' hosts {0..50}asdfghjklasdfghjkl zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' users {100..150}asdfgh zstyle ':completion:*' menu true select zstyle ':completion:*:hosts' list-colors 'no=32' Now, try to write `ssh ` (including space), then press tab. Completion menu will be opened. Now, try to hold down "right arrow" key. If you see that pre-last column items getting "reversed" green colour (i.e. foreground=terminal-default-fg-color,background=green), then you just confirmed bug. Also, I'd be glad to get some recommendations about what should I do to get it fixed (report that bug somewhere else, maybe?). Thanks in advance!