Hi, On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 10:28:34PM +0200, Cosgray, Nathan wrote: > > Hello everyone, > > I am trying to run a complex group of processes that at one time were all > automated via make, which called functions in a zsh shell script, which in > turn moved files around and ran sas scripts. All of this was written years > ago by the predecessor to the predecessor to my predecessor. To my > knowledge the last time they were used sucessfully was towards the end of > 1998. > > Here is the problem that seems to be holding me back. To be as precise as > possible, the makefile calls functions within a zsh script in the following > manner: > > : > ./run_masterfile_step get_file > > : > ./run_masterfile_step get_file > > : > ./run_masterfile_step recalcprep > > Etc. So, from my makefile, many different zsh functions are called to > operate on many different files, according to the dependencies defined in > the makefile and the parameters passed to the various functions in > run_masterfile_step. [...] OK, the problem seems very strange, so here goes a _very_ wild guess: Does "run_masterfile_step" evaluate $0 sometimes and there is now a "setopt nofunctionargzero" somewhere in you .zshrc (or another init-file) that wasn't there before? CU, Thomas -- Thomas Köhler Email: jean-luc@picard.franken.de | LCARS - Linux <>< WWW: http://jeanluc-picard.de | for Computers IRC: jeanluc | on All Real PGP public key available from Homepage! | Starships