On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 07:34:43PM +0200, Peter Stephenson wrote: > > > } > when i use bindkey -e, i can insert one character 10 times with > > } > ESC 10 . > > } > > > } > With vi one normally uses something like 10i. > > } > This is not possible with ZSH ( bindkey -v set ). > > } > > } If you are using 3.1, try a widget like [...] > > > > I generally agree with the new philosophy of not adding things as builtins > > that can be done as widgets, but this is so unbelievably trivial and so > > completely general that I have no idea why we shouldn't do it: > > This isn't quite how vi handles it, however. It would wait till you hit > escape, then insert everything you typed that many times. That would need > more work. Plus in zsh there are other ways of exiting insert mode than > returning to command mode --- what should happen on `return'? the usual thing, plus the characters last inserted being the new $LBUFFER - hey, this would be cool (:-) CU, Thomas -- Thomas Köhler Email: jean-luc@picard.franken.de | LCARS - Linux <>< WWW: http://jeanluc-picard.de | for Computers IRC: jeanluc | on All Real PGP public key available from Homepage! | Starships