Dear Zsh, I just upgraded my notebook from Debian Linux 2.1 to 2.2, which brought with it an upgrade of zsh from 3.1.2-10 to 3.1.6.pws21-1. After the upgrade, TAB completion didn't work any more, i.e., hitting TAB when the cursor is at the end of an incomplete filename on the command line has no effect at all. I found by accident that `compctl -L' will make it work again, although, according to man zshcomp, the existing behavior is not supposed to be changed by this option. I traced the problem to the two statements: bindkey -me bindkey '^[[2~' overwrite-mode in my ~/.zshrc. If I omit both, the problem goes away. Either one of them or both will cause the problem to reappear. I could of course put `compctl -L >/dev/null' into my .zshrc, but somehow I think that that is not the correct solution. Cheers, -- Klaus Wacker wacker@Physik.Uni-Dortmund.DE Experimentelle Physik V Universitaet Dortmund Tel.: +49 (231) 755 3587 D-44221 Dortmund Fax: +49 (231) 755 4547