> } Was testing: read multio with globbing > This is a race condition; the "read multio" test depends on a background > job from the "setup multio" test. Is there something I can help test to track this one down? > } ./V01zmodload.ztst: starting. > } Segmentation Fault > } ./V01zmodload.ztst: starting. > } Segmentation Fault > Please run "ZTST_verbose=2 make check TESTNUM=V01" so we can see where > this is happening. I have attached the 3 outputs from solaris 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8. > That's right, it won't compile out of the box. I have an uncommitted edit > for /etc/MACHINES to document this. You must use --disable-lfs. I'm not sure if this is the best approach. There are a LOT of 2.6 installs lying around a lot of shops. There are 2 ways that this can go: 1) they're old boxes that arn't going to be touched, so we shouln't bother. Sun has also announced that they will end of life solaris 2.6 in the next 6 months. I have my doubts that they will be able to make that one stick however. 2) Since there is such a large install base, we should make it easy to install. I don't know which way to take it. Jason -- "Friendship is the bridge between lonely and loved, between a glance and a gaze. It stretches from the fog into sunshine, hopelessness into faith, between despair and joy. It crosses the chasm from hell and to heaven, from God to man, and from you to me." --Unknown Jason Price jprice@gatech.edu