Hello World, I'm an enthused zsh-user. I have a Problem with compctl. I don't use any completion control, but there is something that bothers me. When I type /us it will be completed to /usr/ when pressing TAB, but .. will not be completed to ../ like in tcsh. I'm sure there is one, but compctl is very cryptic to me, and this is the only thing I miss. bye, Da.Ta. -- Danijel Tasov, danielt@camelot.de. PGP-Fingerprint: 00 3A 65 0C 47 66 46 27 E2 AF 3A C4 1C 2E E8 EE Neues bei CameloT - http://www.camelot.de/news/ # "Karen has her own i, and she is not going to let Frank put his # data into it." # - F. D. Boswell Computer Science 240