* Thomas Köhler [2002-04- 3 14:24:31 +0200]: > Seems like it's not needed. zsh comes with tons of functions > predefined for the new completion system ;) I know, but I've found that when you give people an avenue to contribute their own, one Lego at a time, you can often wind up with something pretty amazing in the end (sort of like Open Source in general :). Perhaps any output from this hypothetical project could be folded into zsh's stock configuration periodically, at which point we would zero our config files and start over. I've played around a lot with zsh's preloaded functions, and they are certainly very extensive, but there's always more stuff to do. The example that pops to mind is a compctl "recipe" that allows dd to do filename completion on arguments that start with (for example) "if=" and "of=". -- john@io.com