Hello, i am new with zsh. I recently switched from bash to zsh. Now i stuck in a little problem. I use a file as configuration for a script. I read this file via cat and pipe the result to while read... The file content (example) is: >--- cut here ---- 1 2 3 4 5 >--- cut here ---- My script (a fragment from): >--- cut here ---- #!/bin/zsh cat ./tst.dat|while read line do for i in $line do echo $i done done >--- cut here ---- If i run this script, it prints "1 2 3 4 5" as result, if i change the shell to /bin/sh, it prints (te expected) result: 1 2 3 4 5 What is the fault i make? Thanks in advance for any respones, kind regards, Micha Holzmann