On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 01:28:21 +0000 "Bart Schaefer" wrote: > You can't turn it off. You can only forcibly defeat it. You can > either define your own completions with auto-suffix-removal disabled, > for every situation in which you don't want this to happen; or you can > re-bind the specific keys for which, when typed after a completion, it > should not happen. The latter is probably easier: I suspected as much, at least for the auto-suffx-removal stuff; after I read largish portions of zshcomp*(1), I got worried ;) > function self-insert-no-autoremove { > LBUFFER="$LBUFFER$KEYS" > } > zle -N self-insert-no-autoremove > bindkey '|' self-insert-no-autoremove > > The reasons why you can't turn it off are varied and in some instances > nearly lost in the mists of time, but it boils down to something like: > (1) it was automatically added, so it's not costing you keystrokes if > it automatically goes away again; (2) the absence of the space doesn't > matter to the syntax; (3) there are more cases where leaving the space > is wrong, than cases where removing it is wrong; so (4) if you really > want a space there, you can just type one yourself. Thanks a bunch for the help :) I appreciate it a lot. P.S.: For the other poster to this tread asking why I needed it off, the answer is: "I don't". I don't need it off, I want it off. I do a lot of shell script writing for my work, and I do the prototypes live in an interactive shell. Once I've poked it enough, I copy and paste it into the shell script. Spaces around punctuation make things much more readable. Have you tried to maintain a 50k shell script that wasn't formatted nicely? :) I've just been having to go through re-editing the paste, and it proves irritating. That's all. No "need" involved.