Hi, I'm having difficulties getting a flawless zshrc set up. From what I can tell, the shell works fine with this config, but it still spits out this error when invoked (line 311 is the last line of the file): /home/sl/.zshrc:311: parse error near `\n' and if I re-source the config, this re-compiling /home/sl/.zshrc.zwc: failed /home/sl/.zshrc:311: parse error near `\n' I've uploaded the config I'm using to the web at (http://www.panix.com/~sl/misc/zshrc). And `zsh --version` tells me I'm running zsh 4.0.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu). Did I leave a brace, bracket or something out in one of my functions, or is there something I should put at the end of the file? Thanks. -- scott c. linnenbringer | sl@panix.com http://www.moslug.org/~sl | sl@moslug.org