Hi, zzapper wrote: > On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 12:33:55 +0000, Peter Stephenson wrote: > > On the command prompt line I'm often typing say > > >ll fred.txt > >vi !$ > > Now I'd like to have an alias/function called say vl (vi last) > > >vl > > Which would save me typing vi !$ (my poor little fingers!), for that > to work vl would need to access the line history accept-line-or-empty-cmd() { if [ "$LBUFFER$RBUFFER" = vl ] ; then LBUFFER="vi !$" RBUFFER="" fi builtin zle .accept-line } zle -N accept-line-or-empty-cmd bindkey "^M" accept-line-or-empty-cmd Fun with widgets :) Ciao, Thomas -- Thomas Köhler Email: jean-luc@picard.franken.de <>< WWW: http://jeanluc-picard.de IRC: tkoehler PGP public key available from Homepage!