* Thorsten Kampe [Apr 21, 2004 19:40]: > > I have the following folding titles in my ~/.zsh/.zshrc > > > > +--- 7 lines: 4.1. Parameters and Shell Functionality > > +--- 9 lines: 4.2. Changing Directories > > +--- 11 lines: 4.3. Shell Completion > > +--- 9 lines: 4.4. Shell Expansion and Globbing > > +--- 11 lines: 4.5. History and History Expansion > > +--- 7 lines: 4.6. Job Control > > +--- 6 lines: 4.7. Shell Prompt > > +--- 6 lines: 4.8. ZLE > > +--- 8 lines: 4.9. Input and Output > > Are the options that belong to that titles top secret ;-)? If you > could enumerate the respective options it would be useful to us all > who are interested... Heh, sorry. I once set every option in my ~/.zsh/.zshrc, but now I'm keeping to only those options that differ from the default which actually only come to 28 (if my quick count is correct). That's a pretty good job of setting decent defaults on your (i.e. the developers reading this) side I must say. Anyway, here's my setup (I've attached the whole .zshrc for those interested): # 4. Shell Options {{{1 # ================ # 4.1. Parameters and Shell Functionality {{{2 # --------------------------------------- setopt noglobalexport # don't be backwards compatible setopt ignoreeof # ignore EOF ('^D') (i.e. don't log out on it) # 4.2. Changing Directories {{{2 # ------------------------- setopt autocd # automatically cd to a directory if not cmd setopt autopushd # automatically pushd directories on dirstack setopt pushdignoredups # don't push dups on stack setopt pushdsilent # be quiet about pushds and popds # 4.3. Shell Completion {{{2 # --------------------- setopt automenu # use menu completion after 2 tabs setopt completeinword # complete inside words setopt correct # try to correct spelling setopt dvorak # we are using dvorak so tell correction that setopt nolistambiguous # only list matches if ambiguous setopt nolistbeep # don't beep on ambiguous listings # 4.4. Shell Expansion and Globbing {{{2 # --------------------------------- setopt extendedglob # don't use extended globbing (#, ~, ^) setopt noequals # don't expand =cmd # TODO: do we really want this? # setopt globdots # don't require a dot ('.') to be specifically # 4.5. History and History Expansion {{{2 # ---------------------------------- setopt extendedhistory # save timestamps in history setopt nohistbeep # don't beep for erroneous history expansions setopt histignorealldups # don't ignore dups in history setopt histignoredups # ignore consecutive dups in history setopt histnostore # don't store history related functions setopt incappendhistory # incrementally add items to hist. # 4.6. Job Control {{{2 # ---------------- setopt longlistjobs # list jobs in long format setopt nonotify # report job status only before prompt printing # 4.7. Shell Prompt {{{2 # ----------------- setopt promptsubst # allow paramater, command, so on in prompt # 4.8. ZLE {{{2 # -------- setopt nobeep # don't beep on errors (in ZLE) # 4.9. Input and Output {{{2 # --------------------- setopt noflowcontrol # don't use flow control (^S/^Q) setopt printeightbit # allow eight bit output for completion lists # }}}2 # }}}1 enjoy, nikolai -- ::: name: Nikolai Weibull :: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka ::: ::: born: Chicago, IL USA :: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden ::: ::: page: www.pcppopper.org :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 ::: main(){printf(&linux["\021%six\012\0"],(linux)["have"]+"fun"-97);}