* It was Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 01:29:45PM +0300 when Ziggy said: > ZSH allows the user to create interesting prompts. Time displaying, menu bars > and colors. > > Post your prompt (and .zshrc) here. Mine is quite simple, but I find it to be useful without cluttering up my terminal. sjs@diavolo ~ % grep PROMPT .zshrc # PROMPT SUBTITUTION export PROMPT=$'%(?..%{\e[41;38m%}%B-%?-%b%{\e[0m%} )%(1j.%{\e[01;33m%}[%j] .)%{\e[01;36m%}%n@%m%{\e[0m%} %{\e[01;32m%}%2~%{\e[0m%} %B%#%b ' export RPROMPT=$'%{\e[01;31m%}[%!]%{\e[0m%}' # history # on right It ends up looking like the above, however when there are jobs running it prepends [N] in yellow, where N is the number of jobs running. If the exit code of the previous command was non-zero in white on red it displays -$?- before the prompt. Where ~ is above it displays 2 directories of $PWD. (eg. ~/devel or kernel/linux-2.6.7-rc3-mm1) -- Sami Samhuri