I recently built and installed zsh-4.2.0 on a Solaris 9 machine. However, once I chsh'd my shell to zsh, it does this on login: /home/mac/.zshrc:21: can't find terminal definition for xterm-color 0m? (where '0m?' is the prompt). Setting TERM to xterm (mostly) fixes it, but there are some things that need xterm-color. Interestingly enough, if I exec() zsh from a standard tcsh session, xterm-color works just fine, so I know a working def exists; zsh just don't know where to find it. So, does anybody know where in the myriad config files I should say "hey, zsh, look here for more terminal definitons" and what the syntax of that would be? Thanks! --Mac -- Julian "Mac" Mason mac@cs.hmc.edu Computer Science '06 (909)-607-3129 Harvey Mudd College