hello all, I have my prompt setup in such a way that it will print my previous cmd in green (when the exitcode was 0) or red (exitcode != 0) on the right side of my screen. This works really well, expect in some cases. It seems that sometimes this setup fails, for instance when my previous cmd had a % in it, this gets re-evaluated and results in a weird looking prompt. Also when I try to type in a for-loop and I make a typo which causes the loop to hang, my prompt also hangs. It there any way to make zsh /not/ to parse my previous cmd but just show it as is? Below are the relevant piecies of my prompt setup: RPSL=$'%{\e[0m%}%{\e[$C;31m%}%(0?.%{\e[$C;32m%}.(%?%)) ' RPSR=$'%{\e[0m%}' ((MAXMID=$COLUMNS / 2)) # truncate to this value RPSMID=$history[$[${(%):-%h}-1]] RPS1="$RPSL%$MAXMID<... <$RPSMID$RPSR" Thanks for any help, -- grtz, - Miek http://www.miek.nl http://www.nlnetlabs.nl PGP Key ID: 0xB18453A1 fingerprint: 002B B079 0DDA 7D44 2B5C CAB0 C3B7 F943 B184 53A1