[On 26 Aug, @18:18, Bart Schaefer wrote in "Re: previous cmd in RPS1 ..."] > On Aug 26, 11:36am, Miek Gieben wrote: > } > } It there any way to make zsh /not/ to parse my previous cmd but > } just show it as is? > > Use the psvar array and the %v prompt replacement. > > psvar=( $history[$[${(%):-%h}-1]] ) > RPS1="$RPSL%$MAXMID<... <%v$RPSR" nice! This works. Never heard of psvar, but it seems to do the trick. (now that I now about psvar, this msg also explains it: http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2005/msg00860.html) (also from you :) ) Thanks, grtz Miek