As a sort of semi-response to DervishD's refactoring thread, I'm proud to announce my initial release of the Zsh Application Protocol (ZAP). There's not really a lot of code in this package yet, but it provides a comfortable framework for writing quick hacks that nevertheless act like real applications, with nicely formatted --help output and easy-to-use options specification. I've also attached a sample application, which is nothing but a rewrite of the Workspace manager for the Ratpoison window manager. Beyond that the documentation is non-existant, but I'll write something up if anyone seems to care about it. Anyway, I hope that this may be useful and if it is I'll put some more work into it for a 0.2 release, nikolai -- Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at! Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden. main(){printf(&linux["\021%six\012\0"],(linux)["have"]+"fun"-97);}