Hi, I was writing a new completion for ri, the ruby documentation viewing tool, when I came upon a small problem: ri takes as argument the full name of a class, module or method. It can generate a list of all documented functions, which I use to fill the completion list. This list is very long, so I tried to use _multi_parts to get a better overview. The problem is: ri uses different separators to differentiate between class method and instance methods. For example I have these alternatives: File (class or module) File::basename (class method) File.path (instance method) File::Stat (another class) File::Stat::new (another class method) I currently only use _multi_parts with "." as separator - I don't know enough zsh scripting to build something to use multiple separators. Any ideas? Greetings Tobi -- GPG-Key 0xE2BEA341 - signed/encrypted mail preferred My, oh so small, homepage: http://portfolio16.de/ http://www.fli4l.de/ - ISDN- & DSL-Router on one disk! Registered FLI4L-User #00000003