Hello all, I just thought I'd throw this out to anyone else who might be interested. It is a simple (well, not so simple when its the first time you've seen a completion module) hack on the _subversion completion module that adds tab completion into a svn repository. Example: andy@looper ~ $ svn co http://aeruder.ath.cx:7777/svn/TalkSoup/ branches/ historical/ packaging/ tags/ trunk/ And just in case you don't know how to use this, this is what I did. Before the lines that look like: autoload -U compinit compinit somewhere you should have a: fpath=(~/.zshfunc $fpath) autoload -U ~/.zshfunc/_*(:t) Then just make a directory ~/.zshfunc and put the file in there. I'm sure if there is anybody using subversion out there you'll find it very handy, I know I have. Get back to me if you find any bugs. :) Cheers, Andrew Ruder -- Andrew Ruder http://www.aeruder.net