As you can probably tell by the topic, I had some free time this weekend and have created quite possibly the *stupidest* ZSH program ever. ZIRC is an IRC client. It hooks into ZLE's asynchronous select() support and ZSH's builtin TCP support to do everything. Not a *single* external, non-zsh command was used in this program. If you're typing something at the prompt and someone messages you, it'll simply interrupt your current prompt, print out the message and let you continue with your typing. How to use (additional docs at the top of the script): *) Source the file (. ./zirc) *) (Optional) Run zsh_aliases, this sets up some aliases to make it a bit more comfortable to use. me => zirc_action msg => zirc_msg last => zirc_last connect => zirc_connect etc... *) Important commands: command(alias) zirc_switch(sw): change channel focus zirc_last(last): change channel focus to last place with a message zirc_query(query): change focus to username zirc_msg(msg): message to focused user/channel zirc_pmsg(pmsg): message to any user/channel zirc_quit(quit): quit with optional quit message zirc_nick(nick): change nickname zirc_connect(connect): connect to IRC server zirc_part(part): Leave channel zirc_help(help): List zirc commands zirc_action(me): Perform action in focused channel/user *) Screenshot: (I have my prompt setup to incorporate $ZIRC_CURRENT to show current focus) I suppose if you were in some not too busy channels, this thing could be pretty useful, but really, its mostly designed to just be a joke so you can tell your friends: "Yea, well, my shell has an IRC client" Have fun, Andrew Ruder P.S. I'm sure there are still some bugs, but I've just got some other things I should probably be doing this weekend, 0.2 for bug fixes :) -- Andrew Ruder