Hi, On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 03:48:43PM -0500, Andrew Ruder wrote: > ZIRC is an IRC client. It hooks into ZLE's asynchronous select() > support and ZSH's builtin TCP support to do everything. Not a *single* > external, non-zsh command was used in this program. If you're typing > something at the prompt and someone messages you, it'll simply interrupt > your current prompt, print out the message and let you continue with > your typing. Kudos for this astonishing piece of software :) I like it. It is not a thing I would use as my regular IRC client, but it's fun using it. My wishlist: - completion for nick names - some kind of recode support? (my system uses UTF-8, but I want to use iso-8859-1 for my IRC messages) - triggers? (I'm being stupid, I know :)) > *) (Optional) Run zsh_aliases, this sets up some aliases to make it a ^^^ The function is named zirc_aliases, no? On the one hand it is annoying to escape shell meta characters, on the other hand it is pretty neat to USE shell meta characters in your messages... noglob helps a little bit, but most annoying are smilies ;) Greetings, Tobi -- GPG-Key 0xE2BEA341 - signed/encrypted mail preferred My, oh so small, homepage: http://portfolio16.de/ http://www.fli4l.de/ - ISDN- & DSL-Router on one disk! Registered FLI4L-User #00000003