Hi all, I'm having a bit of a weird problem here that I hope you can help me with. I've got a fairly simple function called "reload" which looks like this: if [[ "$#*" -eq 0 ]]; then source ${zdotdir}/.zshenv source ${zdotdir}/.zshrc else local fn for fn in "$@"; do unfunction $fn autoload -U $fn done fi The second half works just fine: calling "reload some_function" works as expected, but the first half throws a funny error: /home/borior/.zshrc:106: compinit: function definition file not found Now line 106 looks a bit like this: 102 zshrc_load_status "completions" 103 104 # Load completions 105 autoload -U compinit 106 compinit -u The really odd part of this story comes when I tell you that "source ${zdotdir}/.zshrc" works absolutely fine from the shell. No error from compinit whatsoever. This is zsh 4.3.2 (i386-portbld-freebsd6.1), but IIRC it's replicable on other systems and versions of zsh. Any ideas would be much appreciated (especially if you could CC to me directly, as I'm not subscribed to the ML). Regards, Nick