[On 05 Sep, @13:40, Frank Terbeck wrote in "Re: fg jobs info ..."] > Miek Gieben : > > [On 05 Sep, @11:28, Peter Stephenson wrote in "Re: fg jobs info ..."] > > > Atom Smasher wrote: > > > > maybe in the process of working out the bugs, there can be some added > > > > functionality to add a variable that automagically returns the text of the > > > > fg'd job. > > > > > > That's $jobtexts. > > > > Is there a way to get the jobnumber from any of these variables. > > $jobstates includes a lot, but not the actual job number. > > (I want to list the current job numbers in my prompt - if there are > > any) > > [snip] thanks for the respones, I got what I want: myjobs=${(pj:\,:)${(k)jobstates}} grtz Miek