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From: Russell Hoover <rj@panix.com>
To: zsh-users@sunsite.dk
Subject: Re: sluggish prompt
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 03:12:56 -0400	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <20071007071256.GA14895@panix.com> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <20071007063359.30913.qmail@smasher.org>

On Sun 10/07/07 at 07:33 PM +1300, Atom Smasher <atom@smasher.org> wrote:

> if it's hanging at every prompt (not just when the shell starts) i would
> start with turning on XTRACE within the precmd function.

It hangs after any inactivity.  I don't know that I've ever used the
precmd function.  How would I enable XTRACE with it?

> also, is there any command substitution in your prompt?

In the prompt . . . I don't think so.

> about how big is your ~/.zshrc?

290 lines.

> did you copy it from somewhere? or did you write it yourself?

I wrote it slowly myself over several years.  A few isolated segments
were copied.

if the latter, you must've either noticed it getting
> getting slower... or you must have done something to make it hang.

I think I made a few adjustments to the rc recently after starting
to use zsh-3.4.3.  One thing I noticed in the read-out that it kept
repeating all the different filenames for lines 251 & 253 over & over.

Here are those lines:
248 for dirname in $fpath
249 do
250   for files in $dirname/*(:t)
251   do
252     autoload $files
253   done
254 done

The lines I quoted that kept repeating whenever I hit return
I now notice are from the rcfile:
233 function precmd {
234         local exitstatus=$?
235         psvar[1]=SIG
236         [[ $exitstatus -ge 128 ]] && psvar[1]=SIG$signals[$exitstatus-127]
237 #        [[ $psvar[1] = SIG ]] && psvar[1]=$exitstatus
238 #        jobs % >& /dev/null && psvar[2]=""  || psvar[2]=()
239         psvar[2]=$#jobstates; [[ $psvar[2] -eq 0 ]] && psvar[2]=()
240 }

Not sure why the two lines are commented out -- these lines were
definitely copied, though almost all of the rest of the file is not.

At the risk of overkill here's the whole file, thanks for helping:
#               Russell Hoover's panix .zshrc file for zsh 4.3.4
#               Last update:    2007/09/24    3:01   p.m.    EDT
#       From "Intro to Zsh":  ".zshrc is sourced in interactive shells
#       [~/.zshrc is sourced *after* ~/.zprofile.] It should contain
#       commands to set up aliases, functions, options, key bindings, etc."
#       Most of the environment variables are set in ~/.zshenv;
#       whatever can't be set there is set here (see below).

#  All resource limits are at their default.  Default for coredumpsize
#  is zero. Set core dump anyway, so as to *always* avoid core dump:
limit coredumpsize 0                   # This applies to the shell itself.

ulimit -c 0                            # Limits to zero the coredumpsize of core dumped
                                       # by children of the shell but not the shell itself.

umask 077                              # Keeps permissions for group and others off.

bindkey -e                             # Command-line history-events are obtained in
                                       # emacs-mode, using the up & down arrow-keys.

bindkey -s  "^P"	"\rpwd\r"      # Print current working dir & return to the prompt.
bindkey     "^F"	forward-word
bindkey     "^B"	backward-word
bindkey     "^W"	kill-word
bindkey     "^H"	backward-kill-word
bindkey     "^J"	backward-delete-to-slash    # See immediately below.
bindkey    "^[;"	describe-key-briefly
bindkey   "^X^I"	expand-or-complete-prefix

 backward-delete-to-slash () {
  zle .backward-delete-word
 zle -N backward-delete-to-slash

#  Set here only the environment variables that can't be set in ~/.zshenv
#  (because they'd be overwritten by /etc/zprofile, the panix system
#  config file for zsh.  /etc/zprofile loads *after*  ~/.zshenv):
export HISTSIZE=1000
export MAIL=$HOME/.maildir/
export MAILCHECK=10

#  remove duplicate entries from path,cdpath,manpath & fpath:
typeset -U path cdpath manpath fpath

path=( $PATH   /usr/local/bin   /usr/bin   /usr/sbin   /usr/local/sbin   /sbin
/usr/X11R6/bin   /bin   ${HOME}/bin   ${HOME}/.zfunc   /usr/local/contrib/bin )

#  Set up the aliases  (I have a lot of 'em):

# Display the current directory's 30 largest files, from largest to smallest:
alias 30='du -a | sort -nr | head -30'

alias a='alias |less'                 # Display all aliases via the ``less" pager.
alias ap=apropos
alias b=bye

alias c='clear
gls --co=auto -sF'                    # Clear the screen & list current dir at top.

alias cal=gcal                        # Gnu cal is better than cal.
alias cdh='cd /htdocs/userdirs/rj/'

alias dk='c

alias cp='nocorrect cp -ip'           # No spelling correction on cp; query if overwriting
                                      # an existing file; preserve mode, time & flags etc info.

alias d='dirs -v'                     # Display the directory stack.

alias ee='exec zsh -l'
#alias ss='screen -D -R'
alias f=pfinger
alias find='gfind |m'
alias grep='grep i'                   # ignore case in both pattern & input files.
alias h='history -fD 1 |less'         # Display the command-history stack.

alias j='jobs -l'                     # Display all jobs currently running.
alias _L='last|head -40'              # List top of local lastlog file.

#   Use this next alias for pattern-matching, e.g., 'l *(x)' shows all
#   executable files; 'l *(/)' shows all directories;  'l *(.)' shows all
#   dot files; 'l *(^.)' shows all *non*-dot files, etc:
alias l='gls --co=auto -sdF'

#  File/dir displays, short view (name & block size only):
alias lg='gls --co=auto -dsF .*'      # Dot-files.
alias ls='gls --co=auto  -sF'         # Regular (non-dot) files.
alias ldd='gls --co=auto -adsF *(/)'  # Directories (dot & non-dot).
alias cl='gls --co=auto -asF'         # All files.

#  File/dir displays, full view (permissions, owner, size, date, name):
alias lsd='gls --co=auto -dlF .*'     # Dot-files.
alias la='gls --co=auto -lF'          # Regular (non-dot) files.
alias ll='gls --co=auto -adlF *(/)'   # All dirs (dot & non-dot).
alias lf='gls --co=auto -alFA'        # All files.

alias lh='lf /htdocs/userdirs/rj/'    # List all files in my ~/public_html subdir.

alias lff='lf /var/tmp/rj/'           # List files in my /tmp dir.
alias lft='lf /var/tmp/'

alias lss='gls --co=auto -aSlF'       # Smallest files & dirs.
alias lsb='gls --co=auto -SlF'        # Biggest files & dirs.
alias lsn='gls --co=auto -tlF'        # Newest.

alias m=less                          # Display named file(s) via the less pager.
alias make=gmake
alias ma='most /usr/local/libdata/mutt-1.5.10p1/manual.txt'
alias man='man -m $HOME/man'
alias mc='nw | egrep "mutt*"'
alias md='nocorrect mkdir'            #  no spelling correction on mkdir.
alias mo=most
alias mr='v .muttrc'
alias mt=mutt_slang.new
alias mz='mt -Z'                      # Open mutt to 1st mailbox w/new mail.
alias mv='nocorrect mv -i'            # No spelling correction on mv; query if
                                      # overwriting an existing file.
alias nc=ncftp

# Rename the current dir to specified name (e.g., to
# shorten a long directory name); defined in .zfunc:
alias nd=namedir

alias nl='nlast -urj -start= * -g'    # Show use-pattern chart for named user.
alias nt=nout

alias ping=/sbin/ping

alias pd=pushd              # Put the current dir on the stack & change to a new dir.
alias po=popd               # Pop a dir off the top of the stack & change to it.

alias ps='ps && pstree -u rj -g 2'

alias rd=rmdir              # Remove named directory.
alias rm=safe-rm            # Make rm command safe, with the 'safe-rm' .zfunc file.

sa() {finger " -bhmp $1@panix.com"}

alias sch='most /usr/local/libdata/slrn-'

# Display current settings of all env variables & options:
alias set='set | m'

# See which staffers are logged in:
alias sf='~mikhail/bin/staff -n'

alias sl='slrn -n'

# Secure-shell login from panix to shore.net:
alias sn='ssh shell.shore.net'

alias s='screen.new -D -R'            # Re-attach to a Gnu/Screen session.
alias sz='sz -uw 2048'          # '-u' unlinks file after successful xmission;
                                # '-w 2048' limits xmit windowsize to 2048 bits.

alias td='nocorrect mkdir /var/tmp/rj'
alias trr=traceroute

alias tree='ls -alsR |less'           # Recursively display all
                                      # files in home dir & subdirs.
alias ua=unalias
alias uc=uncompress
alias v=vim
alias vv='v .vimrc'
alias vx='ssh q@vex.net'
alias vs=q@vex.net
alias w='nw -L|m; nw -R|m'  # Show who's logged on, p1 at top.
alias ww='nw |sort |m'      # Show who's logged on, sorted.

# Show who's online from .friends file:
alias wf='nw | egrep -f .friends |sort |m'

alias wh=weather                                   # Weather for NYC.
alias wj='/users/dman/contrib/rhoosiers |m'        # Show who's logged on by host.

# Shell functions
# where to look for autoloaded function definitions:

fpath=(/usr/local/libdata/zsh/4.3.4/functions $HOME/.zfunc)

autoload -U promptinit; promptinit       #  -U = "unique": it tells zsh to keep only
                                         #  the first element of identical copies.

autoload -U is-at-least; is-at-least
autoload -U compinit; compinit
autoload -U colors; colors
#  red="%{${fg[red]}%}"
#  grey="%{${fg[grey]}%}"
#  blue="%{${fg[blue]}%}"

autoload -U zmv

zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b'
zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format '%d'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format 'No matches for: %d'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle ':completion:*' add-space yes
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-prompt '%S%l   %m   %p  %s'

## add colors to completions:
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}

##  For maximum completion:
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _list _oldlist _expand _ignored _match _correct _approximate _prefix

## use 'long' to start menu compl. if list is bigger than screen or some number
## to start menu compl. if list has that number of completions (or more):
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=long
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes select
zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' force-list always

## case-insensitive (uppercase from lowercase) completion
## zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'

function precmd {
        local exitstatus=$?
        [[ $exitstatus -ge 128 ]] && psvar[1]=SIG$signals[$exitstatus-127]
#        [[ $psvar[1] = SIG ]] && psvar[1]=$exitstatus
#        jobs % >& /dev/null && psvar[2]=""  || psvar[2]=()
        psvar[2]=$#jobstates; [[ $psvar[2] -eq 0 ]] && psvar[2]=()

# autoload all shell functions in $fpath:

##   [[  To load only those that have the executable bit on (the executable
##   bit isn't necessary, but gives you an easy way to stop the autoloading
##   of a particular function), add  .x  just before the  :t  as in  (.x:t)  ]]

for dirname in $fpath
  for files in $dirname/*(:t)
    autoload $files

# Set/unset shell options:

setopt always_to_end   append_history
setopt auto_cd   auto_list
setopt auto_param_slash
setopt auto_pushd   auto_remove_slash
setopt auto_resume   no_bad_patterN
setopt no_beep   bg_nice
setopt brace_ccl   cdable_vars
setopt no_clobber   complete_in_word
setopt correct   correct_all
setopt equals   extended_glob
setopt extended_history
setopt glob_complete   glob_dots
setopt glob_subst   hist_allow_clobber
setopt hist_expire_dups_first
setopt hist_ignore_dups
setopt hist_ignore_space   hist_no_store
setopt hist_reduce_blanks   hist_verify
setopt interactive_comments   no_list_beep
setopt list_types   long_list_jobs
setopt no_mail_warning   menu_complete
setopt multibyte   no_nomatch
setopt numeric_glob_sort   path_dirs
setopt prompt_bang   prompt_subst
setopt pushd_ignore_dups
setopt pushd_minus   pushd_silent
setopt pushd_to_home   rc_quotes
setopt rec_exact   no_sun_keyboard_hack

unsetopt single_line_zle

 #####################  END OF FILE  ###########################

                         // rj@panix.com //

  reply	other threads:[~2007-10-07  7:13 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 11+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2007-10-07  4:50 Russell Hoover
2007-10-07  5:36 ` Atom Smasher
2007-10-07  6:19   ` Russell Hoover
2007-10-07  6:33     ` Atom Smasher
2007-10-07  7:12       ` Russell Hoover [this message]
2007-10-07  7:32         ` Atom Smasher
2007-10-07 17:02         ` Bart Schaefer
2007-10-08  1:46           ` Russell Hoover
2007-10-08  3:57             ` Bart Schaefer
     [not found]               ` <20071009185552.GA12388@panix.com>
2007-10-11 15:45                 ` Bart Schaefer
2007-10-07 18:04         ` Richard Hartmann

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