Hello, I'm facing the strange issue - when I run zsh shell and eventually try to exit from it - it takes some time (3-5 seconds) between I hit Ctrl+D or type "exit" in shell prompt. After some experiments I realized that if I remove .histfile - then ZSH exists immediately, as supposed. My history file is ~350K of size and settings are: HISTFILE=~/.histfile HISTSIZE=10000 SAVEHIST=10000 setopt append_history setopt inc_append_history setopt histignorealldups setopt histignorespace setopt histreduceblanks setopt histsavenodups setopt sharehistory I checked performance of filesystem where the file is actually stored: dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1m count=10 10485760 bytes transferred in 0.065193 secs (160841962 bytes/sec) so it operates quite well. zsh 4.3.12 (amd64-portbld-freebsd9.0) What may be wrong with ZSH and how to fix it? Thanks! -- Eugene N Dzhurinsky