dear Zsh people, I'm an old-time (ab)user of ZSh (started using it back 15yrs ago on NetBSD), but this is the first time I interact with your lists since actually I never needed to, your documentation is too good :^). However, long due contact. Big up for ZSh release v5 BTW. I'm puzzled by a problem I encounter using pointers and associative maps. I want to use a variable as pointer for an associative map, then iterate through the map to get all its values, for saving it to a file and implement a simple load/save key/value store. The problem arises when I want to iterate through values, because using a pointer modifier (P) and key/value modifiers (k)|(v) I get out only the first char of the map field, not the whole string. I guess this is related to the scoping of modifiers? here is how I do it: # _map is the variable holding the name of the associative map _num="${(P)#_map}" for c in {1..$_num}; do sysread -o 1 <> $_path $_map+=("${${(Pk)_map}[$c]}" "${${(Pv)_map}[$c]}") EOF presuming that ${${(Pk)_map}[$c]} and ${${(Pv)_map}[$c]} should give in result the full string, but instead they return the first char of the string, as if the map index does not apply to the map but to the string object, so to say. Am I missing something here? Does anyone has clues? many thanks! -- Jaromil, Free Software Foundry (est. 2000) We are free to share code and we code to share freedom GPG: 6113 D89C A825 C5CE DD02 C872 73B3 5DA5 4ACB 7D10 ZShaolin - Power console terminal for Android Free binaries for ZSh developers, just ask me privately!