also sprach Mikael Magnusson [2017-03-24 10:19 +0100]: > Do you have this set too? > zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' Yes! Now if I uncomment this, then using either form of tag- or group-order, I get this when I hit or ^D: directories backup files compiled files temp files vim swap files files foo.a foo.c foo.o foo.tmp foo.zwc foobar/ foo.old foo.txt g foo.bk foo.lo foo.pyc .foo.txt.swp Seems like a step, but maybe sideways instead of forwards? From the manpage, which says about group-name: If the name given is the empty string the name of the tag for the matches will be used as the name of the group. it sounds like this is what I want, because the tags have their own names already defined. And if I set group-name to "", then the files get properly listed under the group headers I want (taken from the tags), it's just the order of tag groups that's not correct. Cheers, -- @martinkrafft | | "i always had a repulsive need to be something more than human." -- david bowie spamtraps: