Hi there! I'm using SHARE_HISTORY option. After recent upgrade to 5.0.6 (means, all was okay before it) few days ago, I've got a strange bug: sometimes new sessions freezes on zsh start. When I start debugging and run > strace -eopen,stat,access -ff zsh I found that it freezes on > open("/home/mva/.zhistory", O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_LARGEFILE) = 3 (which is prety plain file on the local fs, not a symlink and so on). Further debugging revealed that fact, that it is same behaviour on all of my mchines (>40), which makes me think it is 100% zsh's issue. Also, I debugged that if I press ^C and ^Z (send sigint and sigstp respectivey) many times (~36-40) — then zsh throw: > zsh: locking failed for /home/mva/.zhistory: interrupt and loads just fine. Removing .zhistory before running zsh helps just once (until zsh I run created it again). So, I just wondered if it is fixed in 5.0.7 trial and if it is a way to disable zhistory locking (since it anyway interfers with access rights in another condition, unrelated to this issue) -- Best regards, mva