Ok, I quickly ran into the first problem. I can't seem to prevent X11 from starting automatically when zsh starts. According to the docs this should be the _default_ behavior. I looked in the shell scripts and can't figure out why it is not working. # {====>} export open_apple_x11='skip' # Allow a user to over-ride the default behavior by creating a file # with either "export open_apple_x11='skip'" or # export open_apple_x11='use' if [[ -f ~/.skipxrc ]];then source ~/.skipxrc fi # Now open X11.app only if told to do so and it is not already running: if [[ open_apple_x11 != 'skip' ]];then already_running_x11=$(ps -wwx | grep -F X11.app | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $already_running_x11 -gt 1 ]];then : else command open -a X11 if [[ $? != 0 ]];then print "" print "Unable to open Apple's X11. Is it installed?" fi fi For some reason...it's jumping into that if statement. I am not familiar with shell scripting so I don't know why. Yi On 11/17/06, Yi Qiang wrote: > > > > On 11/17/06, William Scott wrote: > > > > Wataru Kagawa wrote a really cool OSX-specific and customizable user and > > host completion for OS X. > > > > http://murl.info/15313 > > > Wow! I am very impressed. Awesome stuff, thanks for the link! > > Cheers, > Yi > > Yi Qiang wrote: > > > Hi, > > > I've always loved the ssh host completion feature in zsh I found on > > some > > > website. I have this in my .zshrc: > > > > > > 61 # complete ssh hosts > > > 62 local _myhosts > > > 63 _myhosts=( > > ${${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"}:#[0-9]*}%%\ > > > *}%%,*} ) > > > 64 zstyle ':completion:*' hosts $_myhosts > > > > > > It seems to work fine on my linux box, but on OSX hitting tab doesn't > > do > > > anything. > > > > > > zsh 4.2.3 (powerpc-apple-darwin8.0) > > > > > > > > > Any ideas? > > > > > > Yi > > > > > > > >