Hi all, is it possible to copy associative arrays? I.e. have declare -A foo bar foo=(muh vier bla "\\sechs") bar=$foo using this, bar only contains the values of foo (and using ${(kv)foo} instead still only makes it a string). The current awkward way I found is: declare -A foo bar foo=(muh vier bla "\\sechs") : ${(AA)bar::=${(kv)foo}} But this seems rather cluttered and unintuitive... The other way is using indirection, in that bar only holds the string "foo" and with the (P) flag this is resolved. But unfortunately I can't make it work with subscripts: declare -A foo bar foo=(muh vier bla "\\sechs") bar=foo # all output the empty string echo ${${(P)bar}[muh]} echo ${${bar}[muh]} Thanks and regards, René