On 2024-01-12 12:50, Roman Perepelitsa wrote:
Forgetting basic tools that you can use to understand your own code is
making your life a lot more difficult than it could otherwise be. It
might be a good idea to print it on a piece of paper and stick to a
wall. Or find some other way to stop stepping on the same rake over
and over.

That's deserved.  I tend to see these things in the heat of some battle and I remember that there IS a way, but can't remember what it is.  Also I play with zsh in binges -- I can go a year without touching her, and I forget a whole lot that was only tenuously learned.  BTW, how does one search the archives?  I'd look there first, especially when I clearly remember that I had some issue before even if I don't remember how it resolved.   Just googling I often come across one of my own posts but a direct search in the archives would be best.  Meantime I'll have 'typeset -p' tattooed onto the back of my hand.