On 11/01/14 19:07, Bart Schaefer wrote: > On Jan 11, 9:58am, Bernd Steinhauser wrote: > } > } > That error is coming from a system-level header file ... we need to know > } > not just the glibc version, but the compiler and also operating system > } > > } Operating System is Exherbo Linux with kernel 3.13.0-rc7 running on amd64: > > www.exherbo.org: > > "We need the freedom to break things when necessary." > > Looks like perhaps they did? Not this time. ;) Apart from that, we do have almost no distribution-specific breakage, as we try to stick to upstream as close as possible when packaging. > Anybody out there got an install of this they can test with? There's > no prebuilt image or "live cd" I can find except for a KVM virtual > guest (and I don't have KVM). Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. Apparently, it seems to be bug in glibc, which is fixed in 2.18. So the proper solution is to upgrade to that or patch glibc if a patch is available (which other distributions might have done, so they don't see that problem). The patch below after the hint of Jun Takimoto is a workaround (had to move both includes), but the root of the problem seems to be in glibc. So it shouldn't be necessary to patch zsh. Thank for the help.