Am 22.01.2014 22:22, schrieb Simon Ruderich:

2) I've already noticed that emacs keys don't seem to work right, i.e.
> control+a does not jump to the beginning of the line, although
> control+e jumps to the end of the line. Should I make some adjustment
> to `bindkeys` or anything else?
GNU screen uses Ctrl-a as "prefix" for all its commands. To send
a "real" Ctrl-a to the process running in the screen window, use
Ctrl-a a.

I've remapped this to Ctrl-o in .screenrc:

escape ^Oo



Dirk Heinrichs, Senior Systems Engineer, Engineering Solutions
Recommind GmbH, Von-Liebig-Straße 1, 53359 Rheinbach
Tel: +49 2226 1596666 (Ansage) 1149
Skype: dirk.heinrichs.recommind